Digipea for Firefox OS is now available!

Digipea your favorite places is now available as privileged open web app for FirefoxOS devices on the Firefox Marketplace!

From the very beginning we opted to develop the Digipea your favorite places mobile app using open web technologies as HTML5, CSS, Javascript and open source frameworks as Google Web Toolkit and Apache Cordova (aka Phonegap), thinking that this is the most efficent way to manage mobile cross-platform development and maybe the only one available for small sized, self-financed tech startup as we are.

With this release, having Digipea your favorite places mobile app available on 3 different platforms (iOS, Android and FirefoxOS) and using the same code-base with the same technologies, we can confirm we have mastered the cross-platform development on mobile.

If you are interested in mobile cross-platform open web apps and want to know more about the technical implementations we used on Digipea, please feel free to contact us by commenting here, writing an email to info@digipea.com or by contacting us on facebook, google+, twitter and linkedin.


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